WebSites & Social Media

WebSite Design & Social Media

Times have changed, the days of traditional media advertising (News Papers, Printed Calendars, and Printed Post Card Mailings) is quickly becoming obsolete.
With the movement of society to become more green (use less paper) and embrace new technologies such as the iPad, Droid Tablets, iPhone, Droid Phones and Blackberries,
it is now more important for businesses to gain control of their online presence.

Businesses need their Online profile to really represent them on an active bases. Websites have been the main method of this concept. But its now time to move forward. We provide a solutions for businesses to help them actively have a website that can be kept current, and managed.

Types of Websites that are in the Public’s view.

  • Static – you know you have seen them. That business website with the 4 basic pages. Home, About, Services, and Contact.
  • CMS – Content Management System- Website with a active platform to allow for easy modifications and constantly be updated.
  • CMS & Social Media Intergration – A Dynamic Website connected to a businesses social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and others)Social Media – You ask, as a business owner what is the benefit of these media outlets.
    Some traditional advertising markets would say none. But the truth is they are very important.
    Remember that salesperson trying to sell you advertising space in the phone book. Be honest whens the last time you open a phone book.
    Most people are now doing their searches thru Google, followed by Facebook.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • The List of OthersIf you treat social media marketing at the least as brand reinforcement. Then you will be doing your business a great service.
    What do you we mean by brand reinforcement,simple, remember the days when you might make that big purchase like a car?
    What happen a few days after you purchased that car ? Did you have buyers remorse (thinking should I have made this purchase?)
    Then the salesperson would call, and ask “how are things and How is that car you purchased, and is their anything else they could do for you.”.
    Now you feel good again, and your thinking, they remembered you, and you have a friend in the business and you feel you have made the right
    choose in car purchases.–That is Brand Reinforcement. If you you use Facebook & twitter for returning customers, you can capture more business.

SEO Search Engine Optimization

Ok, you have a website, it looks good, But no one knows where or who you are. Your not showing up in google search rankings. Do you know why?

We do, all the work that needs to be done to let people know about you. and get Google and Bing to rank your website.

  • We create Backlinking
  • Article submission to Forum websites
  • Constant website updates, and update submissions to Google, Bing, Ask, and Yahoo.
  • We can have a progressive and aggressive campaign to make the Internet know who you are. We have dedicated servers just for that purpose.